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I Judged My Own Cover

For as long as I can remember I have always been so worried about the image I give off with my looks. I had always been insecure about my weight and as soon as I was allowed to wear makeup, I began to wear as much as I could.

I would also let my weight hold me back from doing things I wanted to do because I felt like if I did them I would look ridiculous.

When I entered high school my insecurities got worse. My close friends were so beautiful with clear skin, petite body type and outgoing personalities. As much as I didn’t want to, I always felt so insecure about myself. As the years went on I became more comfortable with my group of friends and realized that this was the body I was given and I had to stop being my biggest critic.

I began to realize how important it was to surround myself with people who made me feel comfortable in my own skin. I stopped wearing bras and being worried about what I could and couldn’t wear. I honestly would have never felt comfortable going to school without a full face on. However before I knew it I started to wear less makeup than before.

Even though the people around me made it so much easier for me to love my own skin. I realized that this also came from within myself and no one can teach me how to love my body better than I could.

Being able to honestly say that I am happy in my own body is one of the best feelings in the world. I now will not give anyone permission to judge me or my body, including myself.

Read more from Juliana at alljulz

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