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Slay Saturday

Hey Sunny Babes, how is it going? Starting every Saturday I would like to feature all who slay. Yes! Let’s call it Slay Saturday! Now, what does that entail? How do you know if you’re like legit slaying?

My definition of slaying is when you go above and beyond for yourself or someone else. You earned that new promotion? You Slay. You made the grade you wanted? You slay. You just got out of bed this morning after not mentally feeling well? YOU SLAY.

So I want to know what makes you all slay. You see it is important to give not only others but yourself praise. I need you to be your biggest cheerleader. Why? Because in the end, all you have is yourself. Everything starts with you. You want other’s to see how you slay, then I need you to see how you slay.

And it doesn’t have to be a huge milestone. Matter of fact any type of progress is a huge milestone. You had decided to cut down portions? SLAY. You have stopped texting that no good for nothing F**k Boy? GIRL SLAY. You stopped comparing yourself to other people and decided to worry about you? BOY YOU BETTER GO ON AND SLAY.

Any type of personal growth should always be encouraged. No matter what age we are there will always be room for growing. So step outside of your comfort zone, perform a random act of kindness, or simply love yourself. Just know that in the end when you provide love for yourself, you can provide love for others.

And that is what makes you slay.

So babes, let me know what makes you slay and email Then every Saturday I’ll feature you on Spotlight/Slay Saturday! You never know you may inspire someone, I know you inspire me. Until then, stay sunny.

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