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Game Changer

Being in your mid twenties, late teenage years we all have had that one saga where we thought the universe was against us and there was no hope. Maybe because you never got the guy/girl, you're always broke, or you didn't land the perfect job etc. It is like what war in the past did you lose, right?

Wrong! The only war you're losing is within yourself. Recently I decided to purchase the book, The Secret. It introduced me into the idea of Law of Attraction. Now for all you noobs, LOA is where you can think your thoughts into reality. I know. Sounds like some Hogwarts shit. However I am not here to bullshit you. I am a testimony to prove to you that it is possible to think your thoughts into reality. How? You may be thinking? Honestly, with three easy steps.

  1. Ask

  2. Receive

  3. Believe

Literally that simple. Unfortunately for most people though, it isn't. When people say "positive vibes" they're not some tree hugger who just blazed a joint...well not all the time. They are really on to something. If you knew how powerful your thoughts could be, I bet you would be hugging hella trees too. The universe we live in is more than meets the eyes. Take a second to be in the moment. I mean truly be in the moment and breathe in the air, listen to the leaves collide with existence and feel the ground beneath you. I promise you won't regret it.


Now the first step to the Law of Attraction is asking. Easy! When you think about things, you are bringing that energy to life. Someone out there is listening. It's like your magical genie. However here is the kicker, the genie doesn’t have one word in its vocabulary and that word is, "Don't" You can think, "Man, I don't want to be broke tomorrow" and what does the genie/universe hears? "OH YOU WANT TO BE BROKE TOMORROW, GRANTED."

There is no point in wasting time thinking about what you don't want. Nobody got time for that. So instead start thinking about what you do want. "Man, I want to attract some money tomorrow." Ahh, that sounds better.


Second step is to receive! You want to attract that money tomorrow? Cool. It is been received. IT is honestly that simple. Don't believe me? Think about it. Everything you literally have now was once a thought right? And little did you know the moment you asked it was received. It is like a paycheck. You don't have it physically yet but you know it's coming! PAYDAY!


So this is where the believe part comes in! I know what you're thinking, "Okay, so I asked for it but it hasn’t came yet." Well that is because to manifest your wants faster or at all you have to feel good about it. Yes! This is where the tree hugging comes in...erm I mean positive vibes. You can't just ask for money and continue to think about how broke you are. Like attracts like and the universe is an emotional being. IT focuses on how you feel. So if you're wanting to attract money FEEL LIKE YOU ARE. You're rich! How would you feel if you were rich? How would you feel if you saw 20 bucks on the ground? You want that to happen? Then believe that it already has!

Now, I know some of you are still skeptical about this and honestly that's your loss...ha. Joking! I was skeptical of it too. I mean I am naturally a pretty positive person but the whole believe it like I already had it, when I didn't was a bit frustrating. Until, I realized I had nothing to lose. So I pretend that I am rich, what is going to happen? Me...not being rich..oh...that's like my life now. So I started to pretend and let me tell you, it was a game changer.

But those stories are for a different blog(;

If any of you babes have some LOA stories please share in the comments or feel free to email located on the About Page as well. I may even feature them on here. Until then, stay sunny!

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